So a summation for today....lots of fabulous stuff. I was creating this blog and talking about all the drama meanwhile Emma appeared with a bottle of honey and Celia had leftover spaghetti, they said we want to eat lunch. I replied that I would be there in a minute and advised them not to do anything. Minutes later there is screaming from Emma and Paige and Celia runs up here telling me that the honey has exploded....TERRIFIC NEWS! Emma appears with Paige in tow and has honey splattered all up her left arm...Paige has two spots...I go downstairs to the kitchen where Celia informs me that Emma was microwaving honey with the top on for 45 seconds and it exploded....lovely. Luckily for me there was only about a fourth of the jar left but this is a huge mess all over the microwave, floor, cabinet tops, pantry door...and we all know how fun honey is to get off of things! Then tonight Shad and I went out to dinner for his work dinner group at Tepanyaki, which was fabulous, by the way, anyway we are coming home ahd the skies opened up to pour out water which we desperately needed we get home to find our window in the entry leaking! This is window number 4 to leak. I love home ownership! This window is the highest in our house with no stairs anywhere near it..good times.
