Kenzie is aging!

I sent my oldest child to Young Womens camp today. This is a camp sponsored by my church for girls ages 12-18. She is not 12 yet but the leaders allowed those YW that were turning 12 by the end of the year to go too. I can't believe she is gone and old enough to do this kind of stuff! It blows my mind how fast the time goes by and I always worry that I have "lost" that time, meaning that, whatever mistakes I made or whatever things I neglected are now lost opportunities I will never have again with her. That makes me sad. I hope I am doing this right, I can always see the things I don't do and those things I feel I handle poorly. I rarely sit back and say, well, I handled that well. I love her so much....she is a terrific kid. Right now she has some attitude but I am hoping she will just glide right over this!

As a side note, tonight we went to F.Y.E to pick up a game for our XBox 360. We found gift cards that we had been given for Christmas and so we decided to use them. Anyway, I went in really quick while Shad waited in the car with the girls. I grabbed the game and headed for the registers. I gave the clerk the GC's and then handed her a CC for the 7 dollar balance after the GC's. She then asked me for my ID which I got out and gave to her. She made a face and called her manager over. I was thinking what the heck, what is the problem and I heard her say under her breath, this is not her, is it? The guy looks at me and then at the license and then back at me and replies, yeah, that is her. I was like yeah, that is me....almost 100 pounds ago....that made me feel so good! Guess I need a new DL picture!
