Paige's New Room

This is Paige's new it? I don't but this is that last resort for her right now. She needed some drastic behavior modification. I have tried everything else with her and nothing seems to even matter. She constantly gets into other people things, runs out of the house to who knows where and so many other things. On Sunday we found a huge knife in her room along with scissors that she had used to cut the hair off of Emma's brand new Barbie. She got it the day before for her birthday. I am really hoping this is going to work. She can earn her things back with good choices. She has earned her pillow and her blanket by cleaning her walls which she had colored all over. I just can't say all the things she has done and I am sure most of this is due to my poor parenting since the twins were concieved but it is stopping here and now. I can't change the past but I can make the future better and I am doing this because I love her, the things she was doing, a lot of them were dangerous and she needs to learn now rather than when she is 15 that priviledges come with responsibility. I hope I am making the right choice here.....I have prayed about this and I am doing what I feel is right.
