At 10:37 pm, weighing in at 8lb 4oz and 19 3/4 inches long, Emma Claire Pulley was born today.......7 years ago. Wow. The time really flies by. It seems only yesterday we were holding her for the first time and now she is beginning second grade next week! She is a joy to have around. She is very particular....we call he a know it all but what she says to us she says because she loves us and she always wants us to do the right thing. She can be the sweetest most helpful or the most stubborn! She is smart as a whip and does amazing in school. We are so blessed to have her in our lives!
At 10:37 pm, weighing in at 8lb 4oz and 19 3/4 inches long, Emma Claire Pulley was born today.......7 years ago. Wow. The time really flies by. It seems only yesterday we were holding her for the first time and now she is beginning second grade next week! She is a joy to have around. She is very particular....we call he a know it all but what she says to us she says because she loves us and she always wants us to do the right thing. She can be the sweetest most helpful or the most stubborn! She is smart as a whip and does amazing in school. We are so blessed to have her in our lives!