I was just looking in the backseat today where the twins were hanging out "talking" to one another and thinking how totally blessed I am to have not one but two beautiful little girls to love at the same time. Jillian is so aggressive with Becca and Becca gives up so easy I was looking at old pictures of when they used to be sweet..LOL Nah..they still are but look how much they have changed!!!! I ran into a woman who I used to visit teach in my old ward in Draper. She had triplets at the time and I remember thinking how crazy her life must be...it totally never, ever occured to me that I would ever have more than one baby at a time. Funny how things like that happen....she said her triplets are 10!!! I couldn't belive that and she was shocked that I now have twins....Memories are so great, snapshots of the mid that you keep forever. It is sad to think that Shad's grandma is now losing her memories. I can't imagine that but I am sure she still has those snapshots of the mind and I think she has a glimpse of the next life too. She has gone so rapidly downhill it just makes me sad but I can be glad to think that she does have her memories in her mind. I am sorry for droaning on..I really ought to go to bed!!!!