4:30 in the AM

Last night I went to bed at 2 am after staying up late talking to a friend who was going through some issues. I was quite tired. At 4:30 in the morning I wake abruptly to the sound of three loud beeps....rhythmically beeping about every 2 minutes. Shad woke up too and we thought it was our security system. It goes off like the periodically for no reason. Anyway, he goes downstairs and is down there for a while and finally appears back in the bedroom saying that our Carbon Monoxide detector was going off. The battery he said (because he touched it to his tongue) was dead. So he began looking for a new 9 volt battery which we do not seem to have. At this point he says, have you heard a chirping sound lately? Like the one you hear when your smoke detector runs out of battery. I said no. He said well that is the sound it says it is supposed to make if the battery needs to be replaced. I asked him what sound it makes if it is going off. He said it should be constant. So we are both kinda worried because it is in between those things....should we get the kids up and out of the house?? And if we do, how do we know if it really is Carbon Monoxide and when it is safe to go back in? Who do you call about this? I then say to him..our bedroom window is open and he replies that the windows downstairs are still open as well. So I am thinking there is no way that CM could build up in the house with the windows open...he says but maybe they blew out the pilot light....still, the windows are open. But there is this little what if in both our minds. He goes to check the pilot light which is still lit. We are thinking things are fine but that little what if is still hanging out in our minds...So we again are searching everywhere for a 9 volt. He finally finds a smoke detector from our newly built playroom that had not been installed yet and had a good battery and puts it in tand the things quits beeping. So now we go to bed...tired. At 6:45 the girls appear in our room telling us that there is beeping from our security alarm!!!! And I can hear it..that weird intermittent beeping that it sometimes does....I was like what is going on!? Is my house just conspiring against me, falling apart??? What!! LOL Anyway.....you too could have a fun night like me...just get lots of beeping devices in your house. I can assure you from past experience....you'll love it!
