progress, but going great!

My Story.....I am a 31-year old mother to 6 girls. My youngest are 2 1/2 year old twins. Through living life, having kids, pregnancies, life stressers and just plain food addiction I gained weight. I gained up to 320+ pounds. I am 5' 10" but I was so heavy. I was depressed and hated the way I felt and looked. I decided one day that I had to take back control of my life, I had to tell myself no and care about me, my health, my family. I had tried many diets before, they had failed. I knew that I love food and I had to make changes that could be permanent, changes I could live with. I started being very careful about portion sizes, I added more vegetables and fruits and when I had cravings I ate well balanced snacks, snacks that I knew, from books I read would fill me and lessen my cravings. I made sure that I had the right amounts of both protein and carbs at every snack and meal and I ate more often throughout the day. So basically I ate what I like just less and I was way smarter about it. I also started working out at home, doing Cindy Crawford DVD's. This was quite a picture I am sure a 320+ pound woman doing all these hard movements...but I did it. I did it every day at all different times of the day because I had to work around my twins and other children. Originally I wanted to purchase a machine, I just knew that was teh way I could lose weight but then I told myself I was just making excuses and if I really wanted to lose weight I would find a way at home. I set a goal, I would lose 50 pounds then I would have earned that fitness machine. In May I had lost 70 pounds and I purchased and elliptical machine. I was in physical therapy for bad knees and it was just the right time. In July I hit another snag, having to have a hysterectomy which required at least 6 weeks with absolutely no working out. I freaked out knowing that in the past I had always hit snags and given up. I needed the surgery so I got it and continued to lose weight by eating right throughout my recovery. When the 6 weeks were up I was back on my elliptical and lifting weights daily. I am now 203 pounds and I feel so great! I eat what I like, I don't buy into all those fad diets out there. I don't consider what I am doing to be a is a way of life. I am setting a good example for my girls and teaching them healthy habits now. I am proud of myself. I have about 30 more pounds to go and I will get there. I just want people to know that you don't have to do anything huge, you don't have to buy expensive gym equipment, or hire a personal trainer or do yucky tasting shakes that aren't real food. You don't need pills. You can do it at home on regular food and exercise and a lot of willpower. I know I have heard at least one well known person say that you don't need willpower to lose weight but I am here to tell you that every day is willpower. I am a food addict in recovery. It is the worst kind of addiction because you have to eat. You can't cold turkey food. Every day you have to be face to face with the substance that you are addicted to. I chew gum now...all the time and I fight. I fight for my health, my life and my families life. I am worth the battle! Everybody can do what I did, I am not amazing. It is a hard road but it is worth the walk down it. I get people who ask me all the time what I have done....I wish there was some magic bullet here but I tell them they can do it too....I know they can. I just want people to hear that people really do lose weight the old fashioned way. Weight loss products are everywhere and that is a multibillion dollar market. You don't have to spend your money! --added 10/10/2007

(original post) Shad and I were looking at pictures and we decided to take some pictures of me to document my weight loss so far. So I am proud of my progress and wanted to have before and after pictures. The full length picture is from the twins first birthday in April 2006. It is not me at my biggest but I can't believe I was bigger than that! The second bigger picture was from my 31st birthday last year. The other pictures were taken last night. I still have more to lose but I am confident I will and I am so proud of what I have done so has been long and hard....really hard. Sometimes I felt like I would starve to death. I am a true food addict but I made it through and as they say That that don't kill you makes you stronger! I believe this! I am proof. Lets hope that in a few more months I will be taking my final "after" photos! I can't wait to see that day! I am down more than 100 pounds now and I just feel so good in so many ways! What a ride!


Heidi said…
Look at how cute you look! Love the cute.

Keep it going!
Unknown said…
You look great!! Keep up the great work. :)