The perfect honey wheat rolls!

I recently decided that I would begin making my own bread and have been trying so hard to find just the right recipe for my bread. A few times it has not even mixed well in my machine but I have stuck with it. I enjoy making rolls as well and yesterday I was making roast, veggies, and potatoes so I thought what the hey I will make last 2 attempts with bread have not been great so I was nervous but these rolls turned out just beautifully! I was so proud of how they looked and they were soft and I was just thrilled! They are not all even sized but hey, you can't have everything! So todays bread also turned out well and I am feeling good...
I am in a frustrating plateau in my weight loss efforts! Holding at 208 for about 3 weeks now! ARGH! But I am still keeping at the workout and have changed it up a bit hoping to break through the plateau and I know I will..I mean I can't stay here forever, this is not a good weight still! But I have lost a total of 112 now.
And as for the twins room I have all the wallpaper off except in one very small area so I will next be trying to get the rest of the adhesive off and then it is on to patching and sanding! WOOHOO! Progress!
