Healthy again...

It looks like Jillian's nose is going to be just fine! Today the bruise has yellowed and the swelling is almost gone now. I think it is straight. There is still a bump on the right side of her nose but I think it is just swollen tissue. I will continue to watch it and hope it just goes down on its own! I was sick all last week and did not work out at all! I was just really, really tired but today I am feeling better so I am hoping that this week will be a better week. It has been hard since the twins have not been taking naps anymore. I used to work out while they took their afternoon nap but that just isn't working anymore. I have had to move it around and just get it in whenever I can during the day which sucks because I have to work around the girls. Oh well...I will have to figure it out again. I need a new plan and hopefully that will come to fruition. I would work out in the early morning but I just know that I won't do it. We are huge night owls so we stay up late and therefore morning is not my thing and I know that I am setting myself up for failure if I plan to do it in the morning. I am thinking that I can still do it first thing in the morning without getting up early if I put Sesame Street on for the girls...I hope it works! Wish me luck! Here's hoping for a better week this week than last. We finally closed on our refinance loan on Friday night so it is great that that particular stress is gone! Thank the good Lord! :D
