What is the most fun you could ever think of????

Well....I have the answer to this most challenging question. It is potty training!!!!! Who wants to potty train two 2.5 year olds??? Raise your hand....what, no volunteers! Where is your sense of adventure? Mine was fully intact this morning as I arose with shining dreams of two little girls pottying in potty chairs with happy smiling faces. Sadly that dream was not to be. I got them up and changed Jillian (who was quite stinky) and Becca was dry. She was dry last night too when I changed her so I thought, this is perfect she really needs to go. I promptly take them into the bathroom and they commence sitting on the potty chairs that santa brought for Christmas. All is well, Jillian pees!!! WOOHOOO!!!! Becca sits...Jillian gets a skittle for her efforts and puts on the amazing, fabulous Dora panties...Rebecca desires both the panties and the skittle but still no dice. We sit, we wait, we read, we turn on water, drinks are plentiful. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. It was fabulous just sitting there with them praying, begging, singing, laughing, raising my voice (I wouldn't yell at a 2 year old>:) Rebecca and I discuss calmly(yeah right) how she will be able to have the skittle and the panties now sitting on the floor in front of her... Jillian goes pee again....still nothing from Becca. This girl has an iron bladder. 45 minutes to an hour later I gave up with Becca and put her diaper on her. Jillian now says she wants a diaper. I inform her that babies wear diapers and she is a big girl now. I remind her that she doesn't want to pee on Dora. We go downstairs to have oatmeal, which has been happily requested for the entire potty challenge. Paige and I bring the potty chairs with us. I have Jillian sit on her chair before we commence the breakfast feast. She is freaking out not wanting to do this at all and I explain that I will continue making and cooling her oatmeal and grapefruit as she goes...she remains unconvinced. We begin eating and by the end of the meal Jillian is wet through her jeans and panties and has no idea how, what or why. I tell her she must now wear a diaper until she goes potty again on the chair. OH, as a side note Jillian looked at Becca during breakfast and told her, "You are a baby!" Becca yelled back, "I NOT baby...hmph!" Anyway...the day continued Jillian peed in the potty and then in another pair of panties and I needed to work out and she was throwing herself on the floor screaming for a diaper...I gave up. I am so weak. I need to just get it done, I know this....but darn. Is it really so much to ask for them to potty train themselves???? I have never heard of a 17 year old in diapers so I am assuming it will eventually happen....What do you think??? LOL Shad is unfortunately not a fan of this particular school of thought. That sucks.....oh how I hate potty training!!!! All this talk of pottying is not working well for me since I have drank 64 ounces so far today and not gone myself yet..if I go, will I get a skittle?


IamDerby said…
I am so glad I am done with that. Carrie was a breeze... she potty trained herself over a weekend...seriously I had no part in that. My son was a challenge! And as to letting it happen naturally I had a friend whose son did not pt until he was almost 5 (not that she didnt try!) He would pee but not poop. and changing poopy 4.5 yo dipes is so GROSS. Anyway I digress, hope it goes quickly for you!