Horrid Hair and other thoughts

So, a little commentary on this hair of mine...I am really not a fan lately. I have had red hair since 2001. I like red hair, I think it looks much better on me than the blonde hair ever did...but oh wait, it was dirt blonde (and thus, not pretty) Anyway, If you will observe in the picture above(taken Sunday - and I was kinda having a fat face day)my hair is now now some weird, funky shade of brown with a slight reddish hue. So overall I am not a fan. I went from my regular red to pink with white streaks (EWW) to totally pink to dark dark red to now this....WTH??I am just not too sure what I should do at this point. I wanted to try a red base with a blonde weave through it but that turned out pink...that is a good option if you are a punk rocker and your 12 year-old doesn't look at you like you have got to be the worst wannabe ever..LOL But I digress... My hair is horrid! Who n=knows what to do with it at this point?? Plus I am not really lovin my double chin either...it would be fun at 50, but 32 I think is pushin it! Not to mention the crooked lips I have had all my life...who would want to kiss those??? Ok..apparently I am kinda down on me today...this was just going to be about hair but when you have to sit and look at your ugly mug you tend to notice the qualities you are not super thrilled with.. But my point is, and I do have one, that I need to know what direction to go with my hair... I am posting a poll so if you could please vote..I need direction. Everyone who comes here VOTE! Or else.. I don't know what but something...I guess I could say what I have always said to my kids, I will beat you if you do X.... Which really has quit being effective since they have recently realized that I will never beat them...I rarely even lay a hand on them. Kenzie, in her iffinate wisdom, told me when she was like 9 after I said that to her..she said,

Me: Yeah....
Kenzie: You always say that but you never beat me.
Me: Hmmm
Kenzie: I just don't think you will...I mean, I am 9..that is 9 years of no beating.
Me: Well, you never know when I might start.
Kenzie: rolls eyes and laughs, then walks away.
nice...even my 9 year old knew I was ineffective..LOL and I realize that threatening beatings is not that swell of an idea but I make stupid decisions sometimes.

Anyway..please help me with this hair decision..I need the help..trust me. I want to be beautiful and it is a stretch for me but this is the closest that I can come..hair...I want FABULOUS!!! LOL
