
Shad did not get the job at Logitech. We were a little disappointed but I really think that we are just supposed to focus on our business. On the way home from the field trip I saw a sign that I have seen hundreds of times getting on and off the freeway and it stuck in my mind. So I pulled out my laptop and started researching to see if they had a website. They did not have one. So I picked up the phone and thought I'll just do it. I will just try to get an appointment. I called and the owner answered the phone. This is good. So I explain who I am and what we do...he sounds interested I go on...I ask for the initial consultation appointment, he agrees!! I ask him when, he says how about tonight? Awesome! It was like 4pm and he wanted to meet at 6. I have to give some background info here...about a month or more ago we had an initial consultation appt with a guy who seeemed really interested. Everything was great but I didn't know how to close and get the sale. I told him to email me with some info and just never heard back from him. I emailed him, didn't hear back....After that I talked to my little brother who does sales for a living. He gave me some great pointers and told me exactly what I was doing wrong and how to fix it. So......back to the original story.....we went to the appointment and he said that he was just finishing up with something and asked us to have a seat and wait for him. We sat down and he finished up and two guys came walking out to of them was James! The guy from that lost appointment. I had been lamenting on how to get back with him and there he was...we talked he said he had never gotten the email and gave me a new email address. And then the guy next to him asked what we did and then asked for our business card. The appointment went well and I made a follow-up appointment. I also dropped off an estimate to James today and made a follow-up appointment with him. Yeah! I am so happy. I just desperately hope that these two become clients. It would be great. I have been using the points that my brother Dave made and they have helped so much! Thanks Dave! :D Now...hoping and praying that I can make them clients! Not much else going on..still not getting great sleep. Yesterday I was reaching back to put my arm in a sweater and got like an electric shock feeling in my right went all the way down my arm into my hand. It hurt so bad, I couldn't move my was tingling and my face and chest and upper arms were starting to went on for about 10 minutes and then got a lot better. It was weird and still feels off but not the weird is that? I have never experienced anything like it. And the really weird thing is that it was on the opposite side that I have been having all my neck problems. The neck was where that pain came from...weirdness...


Unknown said…
Good luck with the business stuff!
As for the pain, I've had something similar, only it lasted 2 days. It was when I was pregnant with Abby. She pushed up against a nerve and pinched it. It sounds like you just pinched a nerve too. I hope you feel better and it doesn't happen again.
Chels said…
Hey there! I don't mind you stopping by at all. I added you to my list of the very few people I know with blogs. I hope that's ok! I had a weird electric-type shock radiate down the inside of my right leg the other day. It was really weird too, and I'm still feeling it too. Very weird. Hope you have a wonderful day!!