Doesn't need a doctor...oh no

Does this look like a man that does not need to see a Dr? I ask because he feels that he is fine. Several weeks ago he woke up like this with his right eye and it too a week or better for it to get better. And today this. Now he says that his right eye is still a little sore and his left eye looks like this....But no, he doesn't need to see a medical professional. I made him an appointment and he was concerned about meeetings at work..I said tough, you need to have this looked at! Mean wife that I am. It is odd because with this eye and the other one the eye itself is not red just incredibly swollen and has yuck in it. Anyway..he annoyed me because he doesn't think he should see a dr. I think he does. We will see what the doc says. He was mad because he couldn't get in before 10:30. Oh well...he has been working so much I think he can spare a few hours to go to the dr.... Husbands! You can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em....


Shad said…
Silly lady.. I'm fine you see.. Just another sty. Hot compresses and he gave me some antibiotic eye drops and said that they might help. Good thing my 11:00 meeting got canceled last minute.
Shad said…
BTW, the pink text is much easier to read on the background than the black.
Melony said…
I am glad you like the changes you suggested! :D