Field Trip

Today we went to The Discovery Gateway Children's museum for Paige's preschool field trip. WOW. Can you say chaos? There were so many kids you could hardly keep track of your own. When we got there I had been running late and went to get the stroller out of the car and NO STROLLER! I immediately felt like packing up and going home right then and there. Twins with no stroller...argh. But once we got inside it was clear that a stroller wouldn't have really mattered that much anyway since it was supposed to be a place to play. It was stressful. The girls had fun though, which was the important thing. In all the craziness I even lost Becca at one, fun..It was only a few minutes and she was with my friend anyway. The cool thing was that they had a lifeflight helicopter there that the kids could climb in and everything. It was neat to get Jillian's pictures with it since it was reminiscent of her early weeks. She went in was not agood day in my life but to look at her today as she looked out the window of the helicopter smiling it made me so happy she is here and healthy and the lifeflight might very well have saved that little life. Here are the was hard to get any good ones they were all so busy! I think that I will get leashes for them though...I have thought long and hard about it and really think it is best for them and me. I hate to do it...but these aren't so bad, right? At least they are cute. The twins hate the stroller but they go in two different directions and I want them to have a little freedom but still be safe. Plus I could actually have room for groceries in the shopping cart when at the grocery store. It has been full of Jillian and Becca for at least 2 years and that really puts a kink into shopping...they squash the bread, throw the yogurt...etc etc.. Am I a bad person for putting my kids on leashes??? I hope not. But They will be safe that is a good Mom!
