The stuff about Mackenzie

So, I have been sitting here on my laptop shopping and looking at things and Kenzie is doing what she is almost always doing. She is absorbed in a world of mythical beings, currently. She most always goes for fantasy. She has read so many books I don't think we could ever count them. I know this is a great thing but I sometimes want to talk to her. All day today she was down in her room reading. This is the 3rd book from the current series she is reading so she is deeply involved. It makes me laugh. She is sooo different than me. Sometimes I wonder how she could have come from my body at all. She hates anything remotely resembling girl. She is not into fashion or any of that stuff. She has deep thoughts. I am glad that she shares them with us. I know that is really a good thing. She is so much more like my ex-husband than she is like me. He is very artitistic, well, he was and I am pretty sure that he still is, I can't see him ever not being that person. I am glad she got those wonderful talents from him. She could have gotten the gift of drawing stick people from me but I am not sure how much she could have gotten from that in the future so I think it is great that it went the other way. And actually she got it from my Dad too. He can hold his own at drawing and writing so she is doubly blessed! LOL The arts, writing, books, music, painting, drawing. She loves all of it and it is so much of who she is. I love that about her but it sometimes makes me just look at her and wonder where her brain is and if I could get mine in the same place. I swore I would never call her anything but Mackenzie but she has changed her name to Kenzie. I have evolved and mostly only call her that. My big thing was just not calling her Mack so I guess this is OK. She has been Kenzie for several years now anyway so that is the least of my concerns. It just says that she is coming into who she is. I think she has an inner struggle though. She is not sure whether she wants to go the preppie (American Eagle, Holister, Abercrombie) way or the skater( Pac Sun, Billabong, Journeys, Zumiez) way. I think right now she is a good mix of the two and I hope she can stay that way but it is interesting to watch her try to figure out where she wants to be. She is a good kid and is great at anything artistic. If I think back to the girl I once was I can remember the writing at least. I have written many a poem and story. But I have never written books on the scale that she does. Pages upon pages. She is never without a binder. At one time, after being warned repeatedly by her dad and me, she left out her pend and pencils and binder. We can't have that stuff laying around with 2 two year old free in our house. She was told over and over and there it was so her Dad picked it up and put it up. Later that night she freaked out..I can't find my binder!! Her Dad said well, I have put it in a safe place and at some point soon I will give it back to you. To which she said, WHY??? You left it out again on the couch and so I picked it up. She didn't know what to do without it. She asked constantly to have it back and finally after a few days she did get it back and, you know what? We have never had it left out since. Amazing...well anyway...I just love her and appreciate who she is and what she has to offer. She is growing up so fast...I think she is wise beyond her years. I just wanted to put some stuff about her on here since she hardly ever gets here. She is at school and stays out of trouble but tonight I was reflecting on I am so glad she is in my life. I just cannot imagine life without her in it. I am blessed and I recognize that every day.
