Tuesday Tell All - Collections

I don't think I was much of a collector as a child. One collection that I always remember though was stickers. Do you remember sticker books? You traded the cool ones and always wanted to buy new ones. The book on the left in the picture looks exactly like mine! I wish I had kept my sticker books. My girls would sure think that was cool now. I remember going to the store with my Mom and just seeing the "pot-o-gold" a rack of stickers! I could look through them for hours before deciding which wonderful stickers to purchase in the end. They were shiny, puffy, fuzzy, just all different sizes. I also remember Garbage Pail Kids but they got banned from my school so I am not sure that lasted long. We had every smurf figure too.

We are not much for collections in my house. I am just not a keeper of things and sadly (Maybe??) that has kinda rubbed off on my kids. All of Kenzie's collections are courtesy of her Grandma Smith. She collects Painted Ponies and baskets. Also art, she has loads and loads of it. The painted ponies are fun. At least one got broken though before she had her own room. Now that she has her own room it is nice for her and she keeps them on her shelf. She will always love horses I think. It is not nearly what it used to be but I think part of her will always love them. Most recently, for Easter actually, Grandma Smith sent her a Painted Pony that was a kit that she could paint herself. So she has been working on that and thoroughly enjoying it! Here is what it looks like so far..it is sea themed apparently. It looks prettier than you can tell from the photo. I can't wait to see it all done. She says next she has to paint scales all over it...I will post pictures when it is done.

Anyway...that is pretty much it for collections...as I said we are just not keepers of things. It was fun to walk down memory lane though...gotta go workout! BYE!


I seem to remember a collection of sorts of cats. Yes, yes, definitely cats. You had a couple of stuffed ones and oh yes, there would be that couple of living ones also! Yuck, cats that I lived with because my daughter loved them! What was I thinking?
what about the raccoons that you brought home as babies and wanted to keep? Need I say more?
The stickers I liked the best also!!! Good memories!
Melony said…
that makes me laugh! Yeah..Ok I did like the animals, the cats, most. What was I thinking????