Wednesdays Wish

I wish that I could walk a day in other peoples shoes. It would be nice to do that so that I can understand them better. Why they do what they do or say what they say? I think if I could see life from other people's viewpoint I might do things differently. I get so caught up in my own worries and problems I often become somewhat self centered in my own life. If I were to see the world from another point of view it might give me some perspective. I think of the 6-7 weeks I spent after the twins were born going back and forth to the hospital. All the emotions that went with all of that...wondering if they would be OK, worrying about my other kids, wishing it would all be over etc.. I watch Extreme Home Makeover and it always makes me cry...never fails. I see lots of parents on there dealing with sick kids. They go back and forth to the hospital so much. They are dealing with issues I can't even begin to understand. That is their reality. It makes my 6-7 weeks look small in comparison. There are different people dealing with different things all over in my life, even my neighborhood. Sometimes I see something someone does and I react to it. Whether it is in thought or action. Everyone does...All I am saying is that I shouldn't be so quick to do that in a negative way. I never know why a person does what they do or says what they say. I need to try to not be so hidden in my own little world and consider that I don't know what is going on behind closed doors. Even my good friends may not be telling me everything in their lives. I need to try to be more sensitive to other peoples needs. My life is not the only life and what I say and do affects other people in a positive or a negative way.

As for life for me, the kids are out today early since they begin their spring break today. I am going to make some sales visits this afternoon and then tonight Kenzie is having a little party here at the house. She is supposed to even have a few boys there But they are just going to hang out and play Rock Band and that. I am glad that she seems to have finally found a group of friends that treat her well and that she feels comfortable and has a good time with. The girls in our neighborhood just use her and abuse her and she always gets her feeling hurt by them. Girls are vicious to each other. The things they say and do...I really don't know why they do what they do...She has always been friends with girls and boys. They give her heck for that. Yesterday she spent all afternoon into the early evening walking around with 2 friends that happened to be boys. They gave her so much crap about it, taunting her every time she walked past their homes! Kenzie is not really into boys in a romantic way. At least not yet...she just likes their company because they don't do all the stupid crap the girls do. I just think that is so dumb...what is the point? Why do they care if she is friends with boys? I guess maybe jealousy. Most of the girls are into boys now in that way. I know Kenzie does have some crushes but they are not major and not on the boys she is friends with...whatever. Anyway, it sucks that she has to go through that with the girls that live around here. Utah is weird that way, Since there is such a high number of members of the church here we kind of live in a bubble. She goes to school and church and everything with these neighborhood girls. So she has to deal with them everywhere. She tried to be friends with them and just took lots of crap from them until this year she decided she didn't want to do it anymore and made friends elsewhere. I have just reminded her to always be kind and try not to gossip and to not treat them poorly as to burn bridges with them. Her life will be intertwined with theirs for years to come so that is just not a good idea...she is a pretty good kid as far as that goes. I know she has her faults but for the most part, she doesn't treat others horridly.

Tomorrow should be fun, I am having a friend and her kids over and we are going to make sugar cookies, peeps, and chocolate covered peanut butter eggs for Easter. It should be fun and the girls will really enjoy it. I just hope it isn't utter chaos! workout is waiting...and Kenzie just called and said she forgot her pond water!!! ARGH. I am dressed in workout clothes, the twins are in their onesies and Paige is in the shower...Oh and, by the way, she needs that by 9:15! That girl would forget her head, were it not attached to her body!

Have a great day! :D


Chels said…
You know, I had more boy friends than girl friends all through Junior High and High School. Girls at that age suck. They really do. I think it was jealousy on their part. They didn't like that I was so close to so many guys. It was hard, and I had to deal with a lot of crap from the girls but the guys I hung out with were great! Good luck with all that drama. I can't wait......
Why is it that we as females are so quick to judge? Why is it we are so insecure with who we are that we can't allow others to be who they are without us saying or thinking something negative?
Wow what questions! Answers would change the course of history!
Let the Lord direct my granddaughter and not others that don't deserve that privilege!!! She is sush a good girl!!