Why do I starve in the snow?

March 31 and the ground is covered in snow. Ick. I was really enjoying the warm weather. Why does it have to be snowy and cold again. It is supposed to be cold for a few days more and that is
just yucky. My elliptical is broken....AGAIN. The weld has broken on the other side. It is the same exact problem we had last October with the other side. I am sooooo annoyed. Now I have to try to figure out what to do for my workouts every day, again. My dryer got fixed so I guess I just needed another thing to break!!!! ARGH! Why can't my life be less challenging. I have been fighting the urge to eat with everything I have everyday for quite awhile now and the only saving grace has been that I workout religiously. Now I can't do that easily and I am still fighting the urge to eat. I just don't understand the all consuming need to eat. Why must I struggle with that? It is so hard to explain it to people who don't have it. It is a constant battle. I just feel like I am always hungry, ALWAYS. It make life so difficult because food is everywhere. It is part of life, you can't get away from it. It is a very hard addiction to overcome for that reason. You must eat to live. Anyway, I have the fight and my machine is down. I don't know what I will do. I am tryin to get some resolution from the company I purchased it from so we will see. It is still less than a year old and after this I will have replaced 4 of the parts on it. I see a pattern. I will figure it out, of course. I must but man am I annoyed! Last night after having dinner with our friends and their family my friend and i were for some reason watching videos on youtbe about makeup and the smoky eye..I practiced it on me and then Celia was dying to have makeup on so I practiced on her....so here are a few pictures...she was so thrilled.LOL She looks 20, at least but it was fun!

Mondays Menu

BLT sandwiches (OR BL if you are Celia, Paige or Shad) Chips, Strawberries and dip! Yummy!
Ham and egg stuff and puff (sounds yucky but is sooo yummy, kids fav)
Cheesy Meatball Volcanoes, mashed potatoes, veggies
Open Face Chicken Pot Pie
Pancakes, Hash Browns, Eggs, Bacon OJ
Spicy Chicken Tortilla Soup w/ fritos, cheese and sour cream on top :D, Salad
Slow Cooker Lasagna, Salad

not putting the days on cuz they flop around...


Heidi said…
Celia looks lovely. Very old! LOL
Chels said…
I know exactly what you mean with the fighting to eat thing. I do this every day. I seem to feel constantly hungry and needing something to munch on. It is very hard, I agree. I've tried different diets and had a good thing with weight watchers before I had Keighlee but after it didn't work at all. It's all so frustrating!! Good luck with not being able to work out. I'm getting better at that part of the whole issue, but I still struggle with both!