Lots to say

I have not been around lately...just a lot going on and so busy! Jillian got her first real haircut! She looks so much older with her little bob..Becca has no hair so she was sad that she couldn't get a haircut! They always have to do the same things so this was rough for Becca. She was so excited about her haircut. All the way home from the salon she kept telling me that, "my sisters will love my hair" LOL It was just too cute. She was pleased and as soon as we walked in the door she happily showed them her new do! They did tell her how beautiful she looked cuz they are great big sisters. It looks so cute when I curl it all with the hairdryer. She is just growing up. Both twins are but I see it so much in Jillian. She seems slightly more mature than Becca. That may definitely change. Becca has her own dominance. They are just two completely different people. Their personalities are like night and day.

On Monday of last week the girls were all out on our trampoline playing together as I was cleaning up after dinner. All 6 in one place, playing together. Amazing. I wanted to capture it on film without them seeing me so I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures until they saw me and started posing. Then I was done. I didn't want posed pictures I wanted my girls being sisters, being themselves. I got a few good pictures. They are posted above in the collage.

My sister is here visiting and we have had some fun. She and her family were here for a little while on Saturday and will be back here next weekend for a few days. The girls loved spending time with their cousins! Paige cried and cried when she found out that they were not going to spend the night on Saturday. She had thought they would and their plans changed. It was cute because she obviously just loved spending time with them. It will be fun to see them again next weekend! I will post pictures tomorrow of our letterboxing with them from Saturday. Well...I am going to call it a night! :)
