A real pain in the back

I am growing increasingly unhappy with my back. About 3 weeks ago it started just kinda having a dull ache in my lower back. This is, sadly, not that unusual for me. I have scoliosis and have had problems with my back all my life. A low backache is nothing. Generally it is my neck that I have problems with but on this day my back started aching. Usually this goes away after a few days and 800mg of Ibuprofen. :) It did not go away. It got worse and worse. Usually when my neck or even my back hurts I want to go workout because it seems to help. It warms up the muscles and helps me feel better. I thought that it would work the same way this time and continued my regular routine. Last Monday I went to the gym and it hurt getting through my 45 on the elliptical and so the next day I decided I would just do upper body conditioning and forgo my cardio for that day. Still just didn't feel better. I made an appointment with my dr. and Shad made me promise him that I wouldn't work out on Wednesday and would just rest. I did. On Thursday I saw the Dr and got x-rays done, no working out. By Saturday afternoon I was on my couch in tears due to the horrible pain in my back that wouldn't go away. I had taken 800 mg Ibuprofen, 2 7.5 mg Lortab and 2 muscle relaxants and it barely touched the pain. I was icing and heating and just nothing has helped. The X-rays were normal! I went to the chiropractor again today and he said that sometimes back's just do this. They will hurt for awhile and then just as mysteriously go away again. I am hoping that will be soon. When your neck hurts you can still do life..you may not want to, but you can. With my back killing me I can't do anything! I mean, this is a real problem. I haven't been sleeping for days and I am really crabby now. Today is not as bad..and I am hoping tomorrow will be better. I am praying actually...if I could beg someone I would be on my knees in minutes...ARGH! My back hurts! I just don't get it! I want it to just stop! I just had to get all that out....I hope I can be nicer. Tonight I have every intention of knocking myself out cold with Ambien or Lunesta or whatever but I have got to get some sleep! So, if you pray...please pray for me. If you think happy thoughts do that I need all the help I can get!


IamDerby said…
sorry to hear your back is hurting. My neck has been killing me all week...so I kindof feel your pain.
Melony said…
Thanks Michele...it totally sux.