Tastefully Expensive and other things

So I do some pages of scrapbooking pretty much every night and I have been posting most of my work but I don't want to just annoy everyone who reads here with my boring scrapbooking. My Mom asked me to keep posting the pages so I will in small pictures so if you are interested in them you can click on them and look at them more in depth. If you are annoyed then just don't pull them up and look at them!

I got my hair done on Monday. I have had red hair for something like 8 or 9 years now and I really like it and my husband loves it. But that being said I thought it might be fun to go back to blonde for the summer. I am just bored of the straight red. I rarely ever pay to get my hair done. It was always long in High School and then when I was pregnant with Kenzie I cut it. I then cut it even shorter and it stayed short until about 2 years ago when I just let it grow out. It wasn't really that I had decided to go long again, just that I was lazy and didn't pay to get it cut. My husband loves short hair so I always worried that he didn't like it now but he has recently said that he really does like it long. Yeah! Anyway, I hated my natural color which is what prompted me to dye it years and years ago. It was just not a
pretty blonde anymore. So I decided Monday to get it weaved with a little blonde and it is still mostly red and I really like it! This picture is really not great since it was taken during morning puffiness!!! Sorry about that but it is what it is! Anyway, I like my hair!

So this picture is of more snow coming down all around my gorgeous trees! I am more annoyed. At least it isn't sticking to the ground, right? That is a picture of yesterday. Hopefully today will be better than yesterday and maybe warmer. I am not sure because I strangely did not watch the news last night. Too depressing and who needs that kind of bad news about the weather every day. If you watch the news too much you really start to think what a screwed up world we live in! All the crap going on around the world and the bad weather is enough to make you want to crawl up in the fetal position wondering why you are alive? Oh the insanity!!!

Now, a word about Tastefully Simple. I went to a Tastefully Simple party last night and I have to say they really do have fabulous tasting mixes...I mean that was a whole lot of goodness. However, that being said, How does a little pack of dip mix cost $4.99 or even $6.99? That is just way too much. Now I feel bad because #1 the dips are really yummy and #2 it was somebody's party and I feel like I should support them...I would want them to support me, right? It is just way overpriced and I have a really hard time with that aspect. So I am trying to figure out how to go about that whole thing. I just don't know.

Well...I am going to get going so I can eventually get to the gym today! BYE! Below are the latest scrapbook offerings. If you want to see them in more detail you should be able to click them and pull them up! Happy day to you! :D


IamDerby said…
Cute Hair Melony!
Melony said…
thanks Michele! :D