update on the pain in the back

I think the Chiropractor must have helped out yesterday because as the day went on I got better and better and today the pain is still there but it is more like a tightness than the terrible pain it was. I am just going to continue to take it easy the rest of the week and hopefully start back at the gym on Monday. This is, if, the pain does not return. I really hate not going to the gym but I feel it is the best course of action for the long term health of my back. So, here is hoping it will continue to improve! Now where is some wood I can knock on??

On a side note, we watched P.S. I Love You last night. Can I just say that when you are crying 10 minutes into a movie it never bodes well for the rest. I cried on and off throughout the whole thing and it was very good but I seriously hate the crying movies! You kinda try not to cry and so you end up with this lump in our throat and it hurts and then you cry anyway, and you just end up with a headache in the end. LOL I wen to bed with a headache and a backache so I was really grateful for Ambien and Ibuprofen! I slept like a log for the first time in probably a week. Yeah!
