Lost the battle...

I come to you tonight as a battle weary Mom of twins. They wore me out today. Mostly Becca... Jillian would have been toilet-trained quite a few months ago, probably, had I had just stuckwith it. I have never in my parenting career, which spans over 12 years had 3 year olds that were not potty-trained. My oldest three girls were all trained by 2 1/2. Paige was slightly after that (due to early labor and complete bed rest) I have learned that I just was indifferent to the whole thing this time around. I was never one to "wait until they were ready". I just don't subscribe to letting my kids plot the course in life. I make decisions and I don't allow for much discussion in the final outcome. They don't generally get choices...as in: Rather than, "Are you ready for bed?" I would say. You are going to bed...I am direct and to the point. The twins though...I find I just don't care as much. I mean...I generally choose the path of least resistance just because I am not really into the noise that can be generated by not one but two majorly unhappy toddlers...So, I had decided that once my back felt better we were going to do it. I was just going to bite the bullet today and get it done. No more going back. Becca has been, how do I put it, highly resistant, to the whole idea of toilet training in general. She has never once used the toilet for anything more than a water play element. Jillian will pretty much go every time we put her on..it was just a matter of her letting us know. If I timed it she would rarely have accidents. So I woke up this morning charged with "potty power" optimistic (since according to 2 sources, that can't be verified, Becca went pee in the toilet on Saturday) Jillian, predictably, went right away and proceeded to go again and again...only having one "liquid" accident and of course, 2 "solid" accidents. Anyway...Becca. Becca is not generally agreeable to any plan other than her own and was very clear about that ALL day. She screamed every time I put her on the potty and refused to go, much less sit there. Al morning this went on. After lunch I was getting ready to head to the gym and the 3 younger girls were headed to the kids club at the gym. Becca actually went! After all morning and in the midst of much screaming and gnashing of teeth. I had to then put diapers back on them for the 20 minutes they were to spend at kids club. (Due to my back issues I have started back really slow) At the gym Becca soaked her diaper and Jillian stayed dry. I feel like I have been through world war today with both of them screaming at alternating and sometimes combined sessions throughout the day. Becca just utterly refuses to do this...I am at a loss, having never had such a child. ARGH. I have lost again with her...I just can't make her pee! I can make her do lots of other things but I simply don't have control of her bladder! What am I going to do??? I am not giving up with Jillian this time but I just don't know if I am doing the right thing with Becca! Potty training one is miserable...potty training two is downright horrid! I hope this gets better!


Mel, I have never heard of anyone that has bladder control going to college in diapers! I am sure there is hope even for those of us with a strong will!!!!
Also, you might try keeping a cup of juice, something she really loves in her hand, and then potty train. She will be much more likely to go because she will need to do just that!
You are doing just fine!!!
Anonymous said…
we liked the M&M method here. Buy a huge bag of M&M's and everytime ANYONE goes to the bathroom cheer for that kid and give him/her a handful of M&M's. Never say anything about it and when the one in need of training asks for an M&M just say "Oh! Well those are for when you use the potty and you don't. sorry."

We had a potty trained kid within one day!
IamDerby said…
wow be strong! my dd was easy but my ds was a nightmare to train! hang tough!