A few fun videos

This is some video of Jilly and Becca dancing together. It was kinda funny, I was upstairs in my room doing laundry a lot of the day on Thursday and I heard the twins downstairs just giggling and laughing. I went down to see what they were up to and found them holding hands and "spinning" round and round just laughing. I thought..oh, I should sooo get this on film. I ran upstairs to get my camera and when I got back, predictably, they were done "spinning". They were now just dancing. I tried to convince them to spin again although I have to admit it is not nearly as cute when scripted...They declined. I asked they declined...

So anyway I continued to ask and finally got it on tape however brief it was it was still marginally as cute as it was in the beginning!

By the way, don't mock my music....I happen to like Carly Simon. It is a guilty pleasure and I couldn't even remember the last time I had listened to it. I got that CD when I was a senior in high school. Of course, that would be the music that the twins would decide to be cute during. Actually, they dance during a lot of music but this is the time I thought about taping them. LOL :D
