Trauma in the kitchen

Celia has achieved her 5th ER visit as of Tuesday evening. I had worked really hard around the house Tuesday and killed my back (again). Shad was not thrilled about this because I am supposed to be taking it easy and demanded that in future I do just that. So I needed some new books to read since I can't do a whole lot and can't sleep very well at night. It was 8:30 PM Tuesday night and Shad needed to drive me to the Library because I had taken Lortab (which wasn't even helping, by the way) Anyway...he had sweetly offered to go for me but I thought him picking out romance novels.........hmmm. Maybe not. LOL So we had the twins and Paige and Emma in their beds. Kenzie when we left was out in the yard weeding. This is her new thing. I guess she likes it and who am I to stop her from that pleasurable experience, right? But in spite of this we told her to go feed Max and then head inside. The Library closes at 9 so we had about 20 minutes by the time we got there. We drove back in the driveway at about 9:05 to Kenzie at our car door absolutely beside herself with terrified sobbing. She doesn't do that. She is telling us "I cut off Celia's finger!" well, that along with some sobbed out explanation about weeding and Celia and her finger... we ran inside as fast as we could and found a blood trail leading to Celia at the sink with blood pouring everywhere out of her finger. Shad got next to her and I was behind her. The thumb was there..I counted...all fingers present and accounted for. There was so much blood it was hard for me to see what had happened from my vantage point. It appeared that there was something wrong with her thumb. Shad said it was worse than I thought and we decided to take her to the ER. Part of the thumb was missing. We looked for it a little but could not find it and didn't feel that it would help much anyway due to the way it had been cut. Kenzie was still falling apart on the front porch steps...She felt so horrible. I tried to comfort her and tell her everything would be all right and it was not her fault, it was just a mistake. We get the story somewhere in all of this. Apparently, Kenzie was out weeding and decided to also use cutters to prune trees. She doesn't know how to do this but apparently felt she could. The girls have watched their Dad do this before. He will cut the really big branches off and then cut them into smaller pieces so that they will fit nicely in our green waste can. Celia at some point had come out to talk to Kenzie and was helping her by holding the big branches on the ground while Kenzie cut them smaller. Kenzie just didn't see Celia's finger and she inadvertently cut it with the cutters. So Celia has a wedge shaped piece of her thumb missing. If you look at your thumb straight on, it is almost like someone just cut a pie shaped piece out of her thumb. The ER doc thinks that it will just fill in as it heals and not require further action from a surgeon. We see the hand surgeon in the morning. They bandaged it up put a splint on the end to protect it and sent us on our way. It wasn't too bad. The cut happened right about 9PM and we were leaving the ER at 10:42. By the time we got to the hospital I had Celia giggling a bit and she has been such a trooper. She was worried about Kenzie. She kept saying, it wasn't her fault, she didn't mean to do it..etc etc. It was sweet. I did send my best friend over to the house to comfort Kenzie and by the time I called to tell her what was going on on with Celia she was calmed down considerably but mentioned that Celia probably hated her now. I told her that if she had grabbed the clippers in anger and just cut Celia's thumb then it would be different and she even laughed at that. I stopped worrying about her. We stopped on the way home and bought Celia a little treat. She asked if we would buy Kenzie one as well. We did and went down and talked to Kenzie when we got home. We told her the cutters are not a good idea for her and I think she gets that. Anyway..alls well that ends well, right? The good news is it was her right thumb and she is left handed. That is good. She wanted to go to school yesterday too. She has been such a trooper. By the way, Celia's ER visits
  • Drinking a bottle of Benadryl (stomach pumped and drank a chalk milkshake)
  • Smacking her head open on her grandparents fireplace on Halloween, no less (stitches)
  • Cutting her chin open at a water park (stitches)
  • Falling off top bunk of bunk bed (sprained arm)
  • Thumb incident
Good times at the Pulley House. Meanwhile, My back has improved again but is really not great so I am trying to be extra careful once again so I do not go back to excruciating pain mode. I am in Physical Therapy which seems rather grueling right now. I am hoping it will eventually provide relief and ultimately that the pain will just completely go away.

One last thing, Emma cleaned up all the blood off the floor and Kenzie cleaned out the sink. They really are good girls. Emma didn't need to do that but she was great and did. It was quite a bit of blood too.


IamDerby said…
Holy Cow!! That is beyond scary! Glad it worked out ok!