1st day of school and retrospective

Emma and Celia started 4th and 3rd grade, respectively today. I thought since I took pics of them on their first day last year it might be fun to post both...they have both grown up so much over the past year. I really see the difference the most in Celia though. They both came home excited which was good because Celia was very concerned that she got a mean teacher. Kenzie had this teacher and being the wonder child that she is went on and on about how horrible she is. I tried to reassure Celia that each person can have a different experience with the same teacher. It is a personality thing sometimes. Paige got to go and meet her teacher too. Her name is Mrs. Venning and I swear she is 18. These teachers look so young sometimes I think, wow, am I really that OLD??? The twins start preschool on September 9 and then AHHHHH I breathe! I get to have a few hours two days a week that I can work uninterrupted. I can hardly wait! Good meetings today! Happy Thoughts...lets hope for more this week! I hope the girls have an amazing school year this year!


Cute pictures and comparisons but where is Paige? It was her first day and no pictures? She was also missing from Emma's photo shoot. She must be feeling some of this being left out!
Melony said…
Paige doesn't start until next Tuesday. Kindergarten does testing the first week. Her testing is on Friday morning. She will have a post devoted to just her first day of School.
Connie said…
Wow!! Those girls are really growing up!