
We had a busy Friday since it has taken me three posts to get through everything that happened. The girls had their dentist appointment and, thanks to Shad's genetically "wonderful" teeth, they fear the dentist. Kenzie is blessed with my truly, genetically, wonderful teeth and has 0 cavities at almost 13. I have no cavities and never had braces and I am 32...this is why I say that. Shad has quite a few cavities. Celia has a ton and can be brought to tears just with the thought of the dentist. She fears it. Last time we went which was 6 months ago no cavities for anyone. This time Celia has one small one but everyone else is in the clear. Both Emma and Paige have had cavities too so Celia is not alone but for some reason she just has the hardest time. We love our dentist though..he is such a nice guy and the girls like him. He is a Dad and you can totally tell. Plus look how cool the office is! Why wouldn't a kid want to go here? It rocks!

A note on the pictures: To turn the pages you physically turn them with your mouse :) Enjoy!


My comments about the teeth are that I am surprised that you have just realized that the Molnar genes are superior! LOL
By the way I thik it might have something to do with the mega amounts of flouride that Mackenzie consumed in her first year and a half! You see when your water tastes like a swimming pool that is good for the teeth!
You can share with Celia I also had horror stories of dentist visits when I was a girl! I could start throwing up just knowing the car was headed in that direction.
Melony said…
LOL Mom! I can just see that now...what a picture :)