A Day Late and a Dollar Short eternally?

I hope this is not going to be my theme in business. A few weeks ago I had a successful meeting with Dunford Bakers. He loved our product and the presentation and told me outright that he would have picked us had we just been there the week before when they chose to go with this other guy. This guy had not done hardly anything yet and they liked us better but just felt they had to stick with him since they had already said they would. This is bad business in my opinion but their is something to be said about loyalty...I guess. If it were me...I would have picked the person I liked better. That said he did say that he would hold onto my stuff and if this guy did not meet his deadlines etc they would call me. :( Anyway....so that was good because he gave me awesome feedback about my presentation and our product as well. But gee.....

So yesterday, I spoke with the president of a very large Deli style franchise. This compnay has at least 61 locations and he runs other franchised companies as well. He said that they were already in the process of implementing a program similar to ours. BUT they had run into some snags that our program appears to be able to remedy. He really wanted me to speak with the woman who is handling the project, gave me her cell number and told me to make sure she knows that he requested she speak to me. He told me to call her Monday or Tuesday. Today I am busy working on a proposal for them..this is SO huge. I am praying so hard that I am not again, a day late and a dollar short. If we could get this account...well, I don't need to tell you how that would change our circumstances. Not to mention our brand awareness.

I am speaking with a few other BIG chains. And then a few multi-location yet smaller local restaurants. One of them has just got to pay off...right? Plus I am hoping to get in on a smaller company that I think will expand and franchise and do really well. They have two locations and will grow. I have a big meeting with the president of a medium sized-multi-location restaraunt on Monday of next week. That could be good too...I have had so much positive response to our business and products but have yet to close! I mean we have a few one off's which is great but I really want something BIG. I am on the hunt. Meeting and talking with all these "important people" has done wonders for my nerves at least. I hadn't done sales in years and years. I have been a Mom and getting back into that can be so nerve-racking when you have just been taking care of precious children for so long. Not that I would ever give up the time I get to spend watching my beautiful family grow and taking care of their needs. I wish that financially we could continue as before but it is just not working so this is necessary and I do like what I do and get to work it around my family so I am very blessed in that regard. I just need a paycheck! I have been working so hard I feel the need to see some fruits from my labors. Again with the holding pattern. I am planting seeds...I keep telling myself that. It is true. I am getting our name out there and talking to people and getting relationships built. Patience. I need it


Connie said…
Something will pan out soon!! Which buisiness is this you are working to build?
IamDerby said…
I hope it pays off soon! And a big happy birthday to Emma!
Melony said…
ExpressTech Systems...our web consulting firm..