Stand and Dream

On our local radio station, 101.9 The End, they play a new mashup everyday at around 5:15. We really like this feature and last week Shad tried his hand at it and mashed two great groups and ended up with something we thought was pretty darn good. I sent it to Parker and he played it as his daily mashup on Thursday. I was so excited for Shad. I have always felt a bit guilty in regards to how his career ended up going. When he and I first met he was planning to attend Full Sail University in Florida. He had even been on a visit to the campus. It is a University that specializes in audio/video careers such as movies, music, production, lighting sound...all of that stuff. When he met me I don't think he knew what he was getting into. (he was blinded by my beauty >:) LOL But in the end he decided to become a husband and father and unfortunately that required him to provide for the same. He had to grow up fast and choose the course of his life quicker than he had planned. Full Sail is quite a bit of money which was why it ended up just not being financially feasible while trying to provide for a wife and daughter. I am, of course, very happy that he decided to be the husband and father that he is. But I have always had a certain amount of guilt that he had to give up his dreams to do that. He is not unhappy in the work that he does and he is great at his job but I know he would have loved working in the music industry. He began DJing at the young age of 14 and did many forms of that including Club DJ, Dj for dances, DJing parties etc etc. Over the years amassed a very large, very impressive collection of vinyl. He loved the lights and sound and just everything audio-visual. So when Parker came here from New York about a year and a half ago and started playing these mashups, Shad was immediately intrigued. He finally attempted this first one a few weeks ago and did a great job. I was so glad he got the chance to go back to doing what he loves. I think he will do more mashing just because it is something he loves and I am just really glad that he gets to do it again after so many years of not being able to. It lets him have a little of the life he imagined for himself which makes me happy. Also we get to listen to some kick butt music and enjoy it along with him! It is hard to think that he had to give up the dreams and visions he had for his life but I know that what he did really was just realize different dreams and just because his course veered off in a different direction doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy the course that it did take. I know he is not unhappy and I thank my lucky stars daily that I have him and we are so blissfully happy together. I think I appreciate it more than a lot of others might since I have experienced the other side, as in a not so happy marriage and a husband who was not willing or maybe just not able to make the kind of sacrifices required and therefore alter the course of life to see where it might lead. The cool thing about taking chances is that sometimes they pay off and they can end up being the best things we have ever done in our lives. I think there is something to be said about fate. You never know what will be around that corner and it can be terrifying to look but if you don't...if you turn back without looking will you also take regrets with you? I am glad that I have been brave in life. I am glad that I have made the choices that I have because they have made me who I am today and I am a surviver. I have accomplished a lot of things I may not have ever thought I could. At one time my self worth was so low that I really felt defeated. I felt I couldn't get much lower and just felt utterly undesirable and unworthy but I pulled myself up by my boot-straps and Made it through stronger than before and happier than I would have ever been the other way had I stayed the course. I love my husband so very much and I am so happy that he tempted fate, that he chose to take the fork and I am truly thrilled that he now gets to have it all if even in a small way.

I love this part of a popular song because I feel that is who I am or at least who I strive to be so here it is, "When push comes to shove you taste what you're made of. You might bend till you break cuz it's all you can take. On your knees you look up, decide you've had enough. You get mad, you get strong wipe your hands, shake it off, Then you stand." -Rascal Flatts

You can listen to Shad's first mash-up, Down and Dangerous here. And here is one that Parker played last week that we really liked Nas vs Coldplay. There are so many great mash-ups out google and youtube for mash-ups if they interest you. Or you can listen to 101.9 The End streaming live at around 5:15 pm MST to hear Parker's picks he usually has pretty good taste. After all, he did play Shad's!
