Time for a change

hairstyle. I had told her that I thought she should make a big change and she was thinking so too but just not sure if she REALLY wanted to do it. She kept asking for my opinion and I told herKenzie has been asking all summer for me to take her to get her hair cut. The last time I did that..which was a few years ago she claimed that I had made her go with a particular cut and so I was reluctant to do this again and have her blame me if she was unhappy with the final outcome. But after going to the school with her and seeing all the hair etc..I thought, you know, she could really use a change and if she is willing and actually wants this we will do it for her. I took her to The District Shopping center to a new salon there and we had no wait. She had asked if she could get color. She has been asking for at least 6 months and I thought...why not? There are so many worse things she could want to do and if she wants to put a little color in her hair it will fade/grow out and what really is the harm. She decided on a color and was agonizing over the that she needed to make the decision cuz I was so not going to be blamed if she didn't like it again! She decided what to do and I think she really likes it. It is quite a change. I think the color is pretty too...it is pretty subtle but adds some depth. Once she has some makeup on I think she will like it even more.
I was so proud of her that she had the guts to make the change! Then she and I spent the rest of the day shopping which was fun. She got a new outfit to wear to school on her first day I think she feels much better about herself and we talked about her taking pride in her appearance. She just doesn't want to stand out since she feels she already does being so very tall. She has got to be 5' 8" and she is 12! She said she didn't want to feel artificial. I told her that the only thing that makes her artificial is how she behaves. If she is pretty on the outside and on the inside then she is genuine and that is what she needs to strive for. And she is a beautiful girl, inside and out. I think she finally got it...Let's hope! But what a fun Mom and Daughter day we had. She earned it, all the helping out she has done over the summer while I went to sales meetings and just what a help she is generally!


Connie said…
I love the new look!!
Melony said…
Aww..thanks! I will tell her you said so. She is still a little unsure but made quite a splash in church today since she spoke in sacrament and that meant everyone saw her.