Update on potty-training

I think I may have purchased my last box of diapers for a child of mine! The excitement I feel is palpable. Seriously. Becca has been waking up dry almost every day for at least the last two months and the fact that she would not use the toilet after waking up dry, while Jillian who has been potty-trained for those months still wakes up wet 75% of the time, well that fact has been making me crazy! Two weeks ago we began placing a screaming uncontrollably Becca onto the toilet in spite of her best efforts against it. She would sit there for an hour sometimes and not pee. This kid has an IRON BLADDER! If she went we would give her candy and lots and lots and lots and lots and lot and lots..(OH, you get it) of praise. That is all we asked of her throughout the day as far as the toilet was concerned. We just wanted that one potty success of every day and considered that good. The next morning she would wake up dry again and we would follow the previous mornings scenario(exactly). You would think the screaming, gnashing of teeth, and time spent on the toilet might shorten over weeks but you would be wrong. But this morning I put her on the toilet and almost immediately she peed!! I felt positive and brave. I put a pair of "big girl panties" on her. Not training pants or pull-ups or even rubber pants. We went through our day and she only had one accident this evening. She even managed the "more solid endeavor" while Shad and I ran to the store!!! Almost every time we put her on the toilet she went almost immediately! WOW! Persistence pays off! Of course when I was at Walmart on Monday afternoon there was not a size 6 Luv's diaper package to be found. I actually thought to myself, I do not want to buy a box of diapers because I really hope I do not need a whole box! For once my intuition may have actually been on target!(although I did purchase the stupid box of diapers) :D
