Emma had a nice baptism day today. (Mom : I tried to call you as you had asked me but I could not get reception in the stake center for some reason. SORRY!!!!) It was fun...I think she had a great day! It was small, not a lot of people but I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and her Grandma gave the talk on Baptism. I didn't do anything very formal just explained to her what would happen and what the Holy Ghost could do for her and how she could keep him doing it. We had ice cream sundaes at home afterwards and it was just us, Steven, Carl and Tamara Thompson and Tami and Kendra. Grandma and Grandpa had to go to a wedding but came over a while later after th wedding. We got her a brand new set of scriptures with her name on them which she was delighted to get and she obviously learned something. Tonight as everyone was getting ready for bed, Celia and Emma have been going around begging us to take them to get something at the gas station the last few days with these dollar bills they each had. This evening there was much ado because Celia could not find her dollar and she kept demanding that Paige tell her where she had put it. Finally Emma had given it to her and Shad overheard Celia telling Emma thanks for being honest and giving her back the dollar. So Shad went in and sat down with Emma on her bed. He asked what had gone on with the dollar. She said that she had taken it because she thought that Celia had taken hers. Shad pointed at the dollar on her bed and said isn't that yours? She said yes and that she had taken it before she went to get baptized. Shad asked why she had decided to give it back. She said, "I wanted him (the spirit) to keep talking to me and stay with me." He told me I should give it back and I did." Shad then showed her her dollar which was tattered and torn and explained to her that before she was baptized she had been like the dollar...her sins had made rips and wear and tear on the dollar. He then got out a brand new dollar and explained that now she was like this dollar. Crisp, flat and pristine. She then put it on her mirror in her bedroom to remind herself that she wanted to be like the new dollar. It was a cool chance for him to teach her a little about the gospel and specifically about the events of today. Kind of a fun thing. A nice end to a nice day. And it told us that she had understood and she got it which we always wonder about.