Jillian is embracing her inner "twin-ness." Actually I should have posted about this a few months back because it will be fun to remember someday but she did it again this morning which reminded me I should blog about it. Jillian always says "We" as in "We don't like broccoli" or "We don't want to go to bed," or "we want to eat lunch." She always assumes that she is speaking for Becca and that they are in collective agreement with whatever she feels. It cracks me up. Also Shad and I will occasionally have a treat at night after the kids go to bed and one night a few months ago we had shared a box of Mike and Ikes and we left the box out. Jillian came downstairs the following morning and said, " Uh uh uh.. That's not fair!" That's not fair! we didn't get any! UHHH" She has done this quite a few times and it is kinda cut.too bad you can't hear her voice inflections on the blog..
