How 'bout Bitar Jammas?

In getting the girls ready for bed this evening I got some of their summer pj's out of their drawer for them to put on but then Shad said that it might be cool tonight and that they should wear their flannel ones. I took Becca in my room with me looking for her pajamas. I found a pair of pink snowman pajamas that she wore last night and she started screaming at me, "I don't wanna wear snowman I want to wear bitar ones! Bitar one's!" I am now thinking what the heck is she talking about? She tells me that these are her favorite jammas and uses one of her current favorite phrases, "How bout bitar jammas, Mom?" I finally realize that she is talking about these pajamas that had guitars all over them and sadly, could not find them. She then found some jammies in her basket and said, "How bout the heart wing jammas, Mom?" Yes Becca, How about it? So I brought them into her room and began to put them on her. I told her that they were too big for her and they were. When Becca puts pants on she won't wear them on her waist she pulls every single pantses (as she and Jillian refer to them) down to her hips. She doesn't want them to touch her belly button! This low-rise habit of here makes a slightly long pair of pants super long. I always try to pull them back up and explain to her that they are too long when she wears them around her hips. She loses it and falls to the ground just sobbing over me wanting her to wear her pants on her waist rather than her hips! Becca has to have things her way. Becca is happily sleeping in her heart wing pajama's, which, no doubt, are around her hips. I put them on her hips and rolled them down like three times so that they could be on her hips and still fit her. I had to hide this fact from her because I am not aloud t fold over her waistbands either. If I am quick though I can do it and quick pull her shirt down before she notices...the thing I do to make this kid happy. It really blows my mind. I never did that with any of the others but we all want peace. It is not just Shad and I but everyone in the family so we all play along. Sad...we love her when she is happy. We love her when she is screaming too but clearly the happy is better.


IamDerby said…
Becca sounds alot like Cole. he has a lot of "rules" he wants me to follow! And he is bizarre about his clothes. He will only wear shorts pajamas...even if its 50 degrees. thank god we are in California where even in winter its not freezing.
Rebecca is a bit opinionated you think, huh? Well, she comes by it honest, since she is your child!