Are you crazy or just slow?

Apparently Becca thinks I am both. Not that I disagree I mean, you have but to look at my life to see the obvious truth in that but.... She got a Leapster 2 for Christmas and a few games for it. She has really taken to this game with a pencil on it. She calls it her pencil game and, as games of 3 year olds will, it has disappeared. I have not seen it since we got back from NY and every day she asks me where it is. Why have I taken it from her? I tell her the same thing every day. I don't have it. I don't know where it is. She says, BUT I NEEEDDD IT MOM!!! I am more than aware of this point and at this point feel I am equally in need of it but what can I say? So we go on without the "pencil game". She has had to settle for her princess game instead...sad.

Last night I was putting her to bed and at the last minute as we were about to turn off the lights she starts freaking out that she NEEEEDDDS her GRACIE! Shad says, you have her, referring to her bunny, Gracie. She says NO! Gracie is a baby!!! I explain at thi spoint that the cabbage patch doll Celia got her for Christmas (that is currently in the bin under her bed) has the name of Gracie as well. He gets it out and gives it to her. But NO. Gracie NEEEDDDS her hat on! She asks me to put the hat on, which I do while telling her that the doll really doesn't need the hat in bed. She openly disagrees. We shut the door and a few minutes later I go back to check that they are in their beds. I tell them firmly to not get out of their beds. Becca says, I AM in my bed. DUH. I know, I say, but don't get out. She rolls to the edge of her bed at this point and I tell her that she better scoot over she is going to fall out of bed. She looks at me, as if thoroughly annoyed, and says, "Gracie is sleeping there!" DUHHH. And sure enough Gracie has been placed in the middle of her pillow and appears to be sleeping there. I then tell her well, then scoot Gracie over. She huffs and scoots. After this exchange I keep trying to remind myself that she is 3!!! I was laughing so hard. She really thinks I am an idiot sometimes and she has her own opionions of how just about everything should be done. She is too cute...trying to wear one care bear sock to bed last night. Just one, and it was dirty. We had to fight with her to take it off. She told us NO. Several times....why oh why are we so thoughtless???


If we could all remember how smart we were at 3. Just think what we could do!
Rebecca will be just so much the better for her insights.