Makeup is Magic

Emma was looking at photos on my camera the other day and found the above photo immediately followed by the photo below. Now both photos were taken on the exact same day just a few hours (and apparently much makeup) apart. It is so amazing the difference that camera angles, makeup, and hair style can really make. Emma referred to the above photo as "Old, tired Mom" and the below photo as "gorgeous, movie star Mom." Of course both labels were given with the proper tone and actions they deserved. I just found it to be very amusing how little we actually are what we appear to be. I mean both people are the same but one is definitely more approachable and palatable than the other. And I have to say if my husband got to choose which he would come home to I am pretty sure that Old, tired Mom would end up kinda lonely. Not that I blame him! Anyway....I am me no matter how you slice it but I gotta say I am a big believer in looking good because it makes me feel good as well and I think that shows through! After all they say about beauty only being skin deep I think how you feel inside and how you relate yourself to others really is affected by what you do on the outside. The woman in the photo below; looks vibrant, happy and healthy while the other, well, she doesn't..LOL So the next time you look at a beautiful, skinny model in a magazine and try to measure yourself up to the image of her, remember that she started the day the same way you did. She probably has the same insecurities, stresses, and even occasionally the bad hair day. We are all so much more than what we appear.


Looks are just what they say looks.

If only we could look like we had the makeup, hair done, and brillant smile all the time.

Oh that wouldn't make us happy either. We would need more.

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