Leprechauns Look Out!

Emma had an assignment to build a Leprechaun trap that was a simple machine and this was her end result. She really thinks she might catch a Leprechaun . It has a trap door so when the little guy (little being the operative word cuz this is an oatmeal container) disobeys the sign that says DO NOT CLIMB, which I am told, Leprechauns like to do, and goes for the gold at the end of the rainbow bam...he falls through the trap door. I am also told that Leprechauns are tricky and escape easily so we have made the gold a net of sorts to trap him like a net. This is one Leprechaun who isn't going anywhere! Maybe our Emma will get lucky!
And above a few other art projects; the hippo colored really well by Paige...the black swirly thing done by Celia and I am not sure who made the penguin but he is kinda cute.


A Leprechaun caught by Emma would be a lucky Leprechaun. Being with Emma to me would just be wonderful.
Her creation is as cute and clever as can be!
Thanks for sharing the artwork. Nice to see that my grandchildren are so talented!