When cocktail hour comes too soon....

I have spent the last several days looking for Easter dresses for my 6 daughters and I have to say that I am more than spent. I have been to soo many stores. I am not a strict, strict Mom as far as modesty goes with my little girls but I do want them to be covered tastefully. They do wear the occasional sundress especially before they are about 8. That being said though I have to say, do the above dresses look like dresses you would put your 7 year old in? I am all for a cute little sundress on a little girl but the above look more representative of slinky cocktail type dresses that I wouldn't really even want to let my teenager leave the house wearing. I mean really??? What is going on here? If you don't want your little girl showing most of her back and or chest etc than you have to buy the dress and then a little sweater that can actually cover them and that can get very pricey. I just don't know who is designing these dresses. I, for one, DO NOT want my 7-12 year old girl looking like a hussy at church or anywhere else! Why can't little girls just be that, LITTLE girls? Who decided that they need to be little 20 year olds? Why didn't I get that memo? I took the above pictures at the girls department in Sears today but it is no different at JC Penney, Kohls, Dillards, Nordstroms, Justice, Macy's. I know....I have been to EVERY store. And there is one dress style in particular that I am wondering what the heck is up with? I have seen it in just about every color combination over the last several years. IT is the EXACT same dress OVER and OVER again. What is with that? Are we out of designs? And if we are, why THIS style????

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Heidi said…
If you have a Costco close, they have some very tasteful and modest dresses for up to size 12.
Chels said…
I totally agree with you! I was at Sears on Monday and I did actually find some decent dresses for my three girls. I say decent but I still have to put shirts under or sweaters over. It's very frustrating! I don't know why we have to force little girls to grow up. Why can't they look like little angels for as long as they can?
Chels said…
Oh, and I think I'm going to learn to sew and just make my own dresses next year!! That would solve all the problems, as long as I can find modest dress patterns!
Wow you aren't into the 4 year old hooker look? Now I can't understand why that might be.

What is going on with parents who buy such get ups? That really is the question.

These poor little children that are dressed in these get ups think they are cute but really they are being forced to be women that aren't thought highly of!
Shannon said…
I had the exact same experience looking for a dress for Hannah. I thought it was ridiculous! We finally gave up and just bought a sweater to wear over the dress. That was easier than looking for one that was actually modest.
Melony said…
Yeah..I know Shannon. I ended up shopping every single day for more than 7 days and it was absolutely ridiculous! Although Shad really enjoyed the shoe shopping he got to go help with Saturday morning. He ended up looking towards the heavens asking God what he had done in a previous life to offend Him...LOL
Nikki said…
Same experience here! Finally ended up getting skirt and sweater combos for the girls. Gap Kids for the 10 yr old and New York &Co. for the 12 year old. The saddest thing is that around here this is the best time of the year to even find dresses since so many stores hardly carry them anymore except at Easter time. (You know the only time besides Christmas that people go to church anymore!)
IamDerby said…
ITA! We were looking for a graduation dress for my 13 yo niece and I was appalled at the choices. APPALLED! All she would need are some lucite heels and she could have gone as a hooker. ugh. Not much better stuff out there for my 8 yo either. Disgusting.