Relics from the past....

We were looking through our old boxes in the basement at old pictures from High School and Shad's mission and just all of that stuff and in one of those boxes I found this old cassette tape! It was a kick....the kids ripped the label off but it was a Chicago tape. I remember when we bought them how cool I thought they were. I liked the pattern on them, thought it was sweet! LOL It's such a vivid memory and I don't know why but these particular tapes stuck with me.....Paige, Emma and Celia had no idea what it even was! "What's this, Mom?" It is funny that they don't even know what that is. Things like phones with cords, cassette tapes, TV with only like 7 channels, walkman's, camera's with film...there are so many more but our kids wouldn't even be able to grasp that and we grew up on it. We seem to be just fine so I guess it all turned out ok, right?

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I think it is amazing what the world has done in my lifetime. It has only sped up since your birth and one can only imagine what is going to happen in your children's lifetimes!
WOW, what is this world coming to????