Who needs Cats?

Yesterday we were walkinga round our yard with a friend while she picked some of our flowers to put on graves tomorrow. Max was out running around with us. He got right in the middle of a patch of the flowers and began pouncing around like a cat. He was obviously after something. We watched him do this for a few minutes before we actually saw a mouse run from the flowers across the path towards the house. YUCK! I hate these freaking mice! We have caught several in traps in the house and I don't know what to do to eradicate them. I try to keep the house free of food droppings as much as possible but we have little kids still so that is a dream that I find hard to realize! Anyway, I went around front with my friend and suddenly Paige appeared with the camera. "Max caught a mouse, Mom!!!" I didn't belive it till I saw these pictures but he did. He apparently enjoyed it and played with it for a few minutes while Shad praised him and took pictures. Then when Shad decided it was enough and went to get the mouse from him he decided to swallow it.....whole. Nice. Next thing he knew Max had thought better of his decision and regurgetated the thing up in the bushes so he was able to dispose of it. max had not had enough though. He, apparently had so much fun he was going to find himself another playtoy. He went backto the same spot with no luck but now he knows where they are. We are thinking how lucky we are to have a "Cat Dog!" Who needs Cats???? Way to go Max! Here's hoping he will find and "play" with many more. Well, I have to admit I would like it better if they weren't in my yard at all but if they are.....Long Live Max's play time!
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Max is the DOG!!!! He has proven that he has a purpose and Mackenzie was so inspired to want him! Way to go!!
Mellie I am missing your posts!!!
Melony said…
I know! I'm a slacker!