Scratch that, "It" WILL happen. Especially if you think it won't...

Everyone knows that when you expressly think one outcome will occur you are pretty much guaranteed the exact opposite, right? Yeah, well today was many stupid mistakes and they all worked against me. The plan for today was to finish cementing the monster galvanized steel swingset which nature has been conspiring against getting it in. We got it a few weeks ago but for some unknown reason (RAIN) we haven't been able to get the thing in the ground! (RAIN) Finally on Monday we got two holes done but alas (MORE RAIN)we weren't able to get back to it until today. (Did I mention RAIN?)

So, the plan was set. The cement had been chilling in the garage waiting for it's golden opportunity to commence holding, which is it's main job. I started to contemplate my fashion choices for the day. It was to be a warm, sunny day and I got a farmer style sunburn at the Teddy Bear picnic Thursday so I thought, hey, I will only be in my backyard. No one will see me and I decided I would just wear a tank top and paint splattered shorts. Maybe correct some of the farmerness. My reasoning was that it was really the same as a swimsuit anyway and who would see me? We went out, I coated myself in sunblock 45 and we realized that #1 we needed three more bags of cement and #2 our radio was broken. We are music geeks abd we need music to function especially in hard work situations and we had to go buy the cement so why not.

Shad wanted me to go with him. I was wearing the tank top, which I NEVER wear. He said, oh come on, let's just go no one will see you anyway. I agreed, hesitantly. I was a little worried but figured he was probably right. So trooper that I am I decided to go along. I have gone very few places in a swimsuit but it has happened. Ok, maybe not since I had 6 kids, but whatever. I digress, We head into Best Buy(yes BEST Buy, in the immodest, paint splattered, and unflattering getup, I know there is a God, and he was not happy with me) intending to go right back to the iPod radio area and then rigth back out.

On the way back though, I get the pleasure of, you guessed it, running into someone I know. And not just someone, James Dashner, author of several well known books with an awesome book coming out VERY soon. And yes, sadly for him I do know him, since we met at a book signing (although truth be told I doubt he remembers that) and then again, at the writers workshop at BYU. And of course, James is friendly and feels obligated to say hello. My embarrassment could have lit fireworks at this point but again, whatever. So, the moral of this story is if you think something won't happen, don't bank on WILL.

But in hyappier news the swingset cement is DONE! Woohoo! Now we just wait until the cement sets up and we add swings, slide, kids and Voila! Wonderland! Awesome!

Oh, and one more thing, if you didn't know 80 pounds of cement feels more like 180pounds. Just FYI... Thanks to my husband for hauling almost all of it. He rocks! Speaking of rocks did you check out the size of the one above which was about a foot or more underground? It was a freaking boulder and it wasn't the only one. Digging in West Jordan completely sucks, well, at least my part of WJ.
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Now what was it your Mother told you about immodest clothes? LOL!