Girl Scout Camp

I did it! I survived a camping trip! Woohoo! Anyone who knows me well, knows I am NOT a camper but I am a co-leader for my Daughter Emma's girl scout troop and the troop leader is one of my best friends. I couldn't let her or my daughter down so I went and we had a good time despite the bugs, utter lack of sleep and one of our girls throwing up the last night. It was kinda funny because we went to bed that last night and around 11:30 one of the leaders came to our tent saying that one of our girls had thrown up but her and her buddy had just gone down to the lodge to sleep in the health center and all was fine. She couldn't tell us what the girls name was and we were curious so we got up and went down to check on the girls. All 4 were sound asleep in their sleeping bags. Hmmm. We told the counselor and went back to bed. At about 12:30 the girls were at our tent to tell us that Jazmine had thrown up but fallin back to sleep. In our haze we told them to go back to bed and we would clean it up in the morning. They were back about a half hour later to tell us that she had woke up and was crying so we got up and took her down to the healkth center and then spent the whole next morning cleaning it all up. Great!

Plus, I don't sleep when I'm not home. I don't know why. Even at an expensive hotel. It's crazy. I even took sleeping pills and still laid awake. YUCK! I hate that!!!

But I survived! Woohoo!
