
On Thursday I woke up feeling brave. I felt as if I could take on the world, or just my 6 girls, but whatever. I decided to take them downtown the the dancing fountains at The Gateway so they could play in the water. Now when they ask to swim, EVERY DAY, I remind them that when you are running through a sprinkler you are not actually swimming. This is a concept they don't seem to get and I don't know why it bugs me so much but it does. Oh...look, I've digressed, again. Anyway, one would think a child that asked to go swimming EVERY DAY would be beyond happy to spend a few hours down in the water. I was under those same delusions. Because I am a believer, people! I expect the best!

We got down there and I parked at the farthest parking lot away from it because I'mridiculously directionally challenged all about getting exercise. So complaining ensued upon my planned little stroll through the shopping area. The hungry chant began as we passed by restaurants we would NOT under any circumstances be frequenting. I'm not that brave. I informed them about my no eating rules and they whined and complained accepted it readily and smiled cheerfully because their mother was doing something nice for them.

When we arrived at the fountain their was much excitement throughout the ranks. I told Kenzie, who is too cool to run through a fountain, that she could go check out stores. It wasn't necessary for her to hang out with me. She declined. It is apparently uncool and, well, lonely to shop by yourself. Upon hearing this I told her I love to shop alone, in fact that is my favorite way to shop, ALONE! But then I admit I did think about it and remember that at her age I wouldn't have been caught dead at a mall by myself. So, I let it go, thankful for her companionship.

I must ask myself why this day would be my day of courage because it also happened to be the day that trees and fences a plenty blew over as a result of the wind...well, bravery was on my side. I was pretty sure my kids weren't going to blow away. And if they did.....well, I don't think I'll finish that sentence. The first complaints came minutes into the "fun" about cold. I knew this would happen. Plus, I don't know about you but when I'm in my shower I don't get out every 5 minutes to dry off before getting back in again, do you? My girls think that they need their towel as soon as they get wet just cuz it's there. I guess they need to mark them as their own or something.

After the cold cries the hungry cries returned with a vengeance. Lucky me. "No." I told them, again. When I finally told them they could mark those towels as their own and I found a place in the shade. The soaking wet 8 and 10 year old's decided they would go shopping with the 13yo. Um, no. I don't think the shopkeepers wanted wetlands in their stores best to keep that outside. So now the potty cries made their appearance. This one is my favorite. Of all of them this is the riskiest to ignore. It's a 50/50 crap shoot on that one and if you lose so does everyone around you. I did say No, though. I was feeling optimistic, although with all the complaints I don't know why.

So that last choice worked out OK for everyone. And how you ask did I repay these glorious children for their complaining? I took them for ice cream at a store on the premises. I'm a pillar of strength and fortitude.
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i'm erin. said…
Oh I love it up there. I think that is so much fun. Cute post. I think it is funny
Now being a Mother really seems to change the persceptive of an event. You thought happiness would ensue as a result of the activity. Didn't you realize that it is a child's responsibility to never allow you to think you did something terrific?
Sounds fun to me! Take me to a fountain and I don't even need to run through just sit and watch!
IamDerby said…
I am glad I am not the only one who has days like that (and I only have two children who torture me)