She's a puppy




Jillian told Kenzie that Becca was in the toybox because she was a puppy but we didn't think anything of it. When it was dinner time and everyone showed up but Becca Kenzie went up to look for her and found her like you see above. Ha ha ha....oh, to fit in a toy box!? I could shut the top and hide away. They'd never find me!
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Melony said…
My husband told me after reading the above that I didn't say she was asleep in the toybox, not just in it.
I am seeing your genes here. You have slept in the toybox, the closet, the drawer, the front of your bedroom door, pretty much everywhere but the bed! Yep, this is you!!!! Good memories!!!
i'm erin. said…
ha ha, that is so cute and very funny.