
Becca likes to put her toys in things. Barbies always seem to end up on the three stairs that lead to our master bedroom, which is so awesome when I'm headed up them my arms full of laundry or something equally untransparent. I can't say I've never tripped on a Barbie couch but I am grateful that as of yet it hasn't been a Barbie car or jeep. This would not be pretty. Ok.....take a moment, get your mental picture....

There now, wasn't that fun? That's what I'm here for, to provide amusement.

So I found these my little ponies lined up, as such, in Celia's shoes, which were, of course, in my bedroom. Cuz where else would they be?? Anyway..I liked that the one shoe had another shoe in it. Not too sure what that was about but no one asked me so...

In other news, Becca has been giving me fits at preschool. She's in la la land and doesn't listen to her teacher. The last few times I've picked them up the teacher has had to pull me aside to talk to me about her. In all the years my girls have been going to that preschool, 10+ I have NEVER EVER been pulled aside to talk to a teacher about one of my kids! So of course in that respect the twins would be the wild card. Aren't they always! Anyway, I've talked to her, begged her, yelled at her etc... about listening and following directions. She hasn't listened. Today I told her that is she did not listen that she would have to stay home while Jillian went to school. She said good. I want to watch a movie. I said, stay home, you clean the house. That's what I do when you're gone. So you'll clean if you're home.

When I picked her up today she got a good report. hmm. I needed more proof my life is unfun. lol
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Now is she just making a statement of her own? She must have something that is original. Being a twin is just so boring!!! LOL!