Kenzie, my firstborn child turned 14 years old on November 21. I just can't believe how quickly the years seem to whiz by. It seems like just yesterday they placed her in my arms for the first time and now in one year she'll have a learners permit and be learning to drive a car! she's a great kid and she's been having a great year this year. She has a 4.0 GPA and a much better attitude this year than last and I thank God for that. Not that she's ever been a bad kid, because she hasn't. She had a few friends over (allison isn't pictured because she had to leave a little early) but anyway they went to walmart separated into 2 teams and did a scavenger hunt based on the letters in Kenzie's name like K: Is blue. Scented. smaller than a soda can. Then they had 10 dollars to buy the most things they could and only 5 could be food. It was fun and she also choseto not do cake, only ice cream. She's such a beautiful young woman I don't know wher she gets it!!!! hapy Birthday Kenzie!
Wow! I remember when she was born too. Although I am sure my memories are completely different since I didn't "have" her, but got to hold her not long after you did all the work. I loved her immediately. 14 years...where did the time go? She is amazing and beautiful, but of course she is, she is related to me! Love ya ;)