Easy bake?

Santa, against her his better judgment brought Paige an Easybake oven for Christmas. She He decided that Paige would really like it. I told him that the past was not a good indicator of the fact that her Mother would let her use it. Kenzie got one when she was like 8 and she used it maybe three times(and that's being generous) because I am a bad Mom pretty much. So this time around Shad told me, hey, you're a lot more permissive now then you were then so we went ahead and got it. I'm here to tell you, though I am more permissive I still don't enjoy light bulbs that don't cook and messes in my kitchen apparently. She used it on Christmas day and then I put it on top of the cabinets and just didn't want her to do it again but I let her last week and look how freakin' cute she is!!! She was so excited to make S'more treats for her sisters and they all enjoyed them. So I am trying to be a better, more permissive and thus open to messes and light bulb cooking that doesn't work and must still be microwaved anyway, mother! Wish me luck in my endeavors, I'm gonna need it!


Yep, she is her Mother's daughter. That would be in both cases. You unfortunately never got the Easy Bake oven but would have loved it!
She loves it because she is a future cook like her Mom! She also likes to be like her Mom, so cooking is a good thing!
Heidi said…
So cute! Nice of you to let her use it.