Zhu Zhu Update

At the risk of validating people's frequent accusations of my regular demonstrations of my true blonde nature I'm just gonna say, Zhu Zhu pets work best with fresh batteries. Yes, batteries. You heard it here first folks! In my defense though; #1 they makes sounds and they move all over. They were making loud and frequent sounds! #2 husband (who is supposedly smarter than me) didn't think that would be the problem either. I emailed the company about the duds they sold me and everything..nice. I am so brilliant. Today Jillian brought me her laptop toy and told me it needed new batteries. In the battery cabinet there was one of the supposed Zhu Zhu dud pets. Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine who said that the movement was the first thing to go so I thought oh, what the hey....I put new batteries in it, the whole time the thing is squeaking and honking and mooing(yes these hamsters Moo...don't ask) but I put the cover back on and voila! Hamster glee! The clean, non-stinky kind! I "fixed" them all at around 1:30PM and I had to take them away tonight at 8:30 from all the girls(even the 11 and 9 year old) so they would go to bed! When the older children came home from school and saw that the twins were playing with them the twins told them I am amazing. yep. That's right! Remember that for later. For adorable video of the first time the twins saw the hamsters drive their car and play fun (including some pretty cute cheeky peeky :) the twins can't seem to keep their pants up lol) please see our video bar above! Shad came home and played with them for about 20 minutes too...I'm telling you, these things are addictive! They need rechargeable batteries because at this rate their not gonna make it through a day.

So now to the fun part....on these hamsters packaging and actually on stickers on the bottomn of them it says DO NOT GET THEM NEAR HAIR! We made that pretty clear however, Jillian thought it would be fun for her hamster to climb up her arm which then continued to the top of her hair. NOT good. Below is the hair damage. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on which way you look at it) it just pulled a huge chuck out as she screamed. They have buttons hidden all over their bodies that make them move or react and teh one to put them to sleep is on their back. Trying to get the darm thing out of her hair without pushing buttons to make it spin the hair tighter into the wheels was crazy impossible!

So, below, you see the damage, which I'm happy to report did not result in any recognizable hair loss in the 5 year old. There was that and the time when Becca decided the hamster needed to run on the piano and then he ended up wedged between the piano and the wall on almost to the floor. Piano's are heavy. I moved it, by myself to get the darn thing and then moved it back! Who needs the gym when you have Zhu Zhu Pets?

And last, but not least...I spent 20 minutes searching for a hamster that had escaped it's owner (Jillian) and the whole time thought how happy I was that it wasn't real! It was found safe and sound lodged against the wall in the middle of the couch. Phew...disaster averted. And I promise...no more Zhu Zhu saga! LOL....that's enough for me!


Mel, I feel like the pets were the best gift ever! They are truly a teaching tool, batteries must be fresh, a hair device, removing attached, and fun for all! I loved the post!!!
Eisley Jacobs said…
OH NO!!!!! I have to ROTFL... cuzz we are ZhuZhu pet owners too. We have the car and the slide and 6 pets in the house... the kids LOVE THEM! And yes... we warned about the hair... and tiny fingers and they STILL are getting stuck... Only in doll hair. Luckily no AG dolls. This mom might have a mental ;)