This morning my next door neighbor called me and asked me if I'd like a little friend for our dog Max. Originally we wanted Max to be an inside dog, but we got him when the twins were 4 months old and things were crazy not to mention that he's A LOT bigger than we expected him to get and sheds which aggravates allergies in our house. We have been discussing getting a smaller hypo-allergenic puppy but cost and just "do it-ness" was lacking. So anyway, my neighbor had rescued a little puppy on the freeway last week and taken him to the vet where teh vet congratulated him for not risking his life on a mutt. He was told the dog was a nice breed of Schnauzer/Poodle referred to as schnoodle and was about 3 1/2 months old. So the neighbor got him his first round of shots after checking for a chip, which he didn't have. The neighbor has 3 Yorkies already and just couldn't keep him so we went over this afternoon and brought him home. He's a cutie in need of a grooming but the girls are in love and he meets all our criteria. The naming process took awhile but in the end he has been dubbed Flynn. So we now have an indoor dog! Yeah...I think. I'm not really a dog person but I'm sooo outvoted with everyone else being just that so I'm giving this my all!
Also, if you have a baby, check out this new product line! It's so smart! I remember spraying the twins with febreeze after a nasty diaper and this is just awesome! Check it out!!! :D