Birthday Highlights

Sorry it's so late! But I made this little slide show of the twins birthday. They had a great day which included their birthday party which was a "tea party". They went directly from their birthday party to a friends birthday party and that was super cool because it was at Jungle Gyms. Then Shad and I picked them up and took them to Build-a-Bear where they chose a bear and then dressed it. It was really their first time doing that and they loved it. Well actually, Becca was freaked out at first because we told her to choose a bear and she did (one of the example stuffed bears) then I put that one back and handed her one of the empty bear skins. She freaked out and cried that it wasn't a bear. Luckily I was able to explain it to her and the rest wasn't so bad. After the bear-building we had planned to take them to dinner at The Mayan but it was still kinda early for dinner. We decided to take them to see How To Train Your Dragon in 3D and then ended the day with our dinner at The Mayan. I think they had an awesome day and it was fun for us to spend the time out with them. We rarely do that so it was a change from the norm and hopefully a day they will remember!


Sara B. Larson said…
Looks like a ton of fun! Happy birthday girls! :-)
Wow what a day! The are going to want to turn a year older every day! No fear of aging with these 2!
Thanks for sharing them with us!!!